Harry Kappen - WarGames

Harry Kappen is a Dutch musician and music therapist. This multi-instrumentalist composes his songs in his home studio in the Netherlands. With a style that is quite eclectic, Kappen releases excellent and engaging songs that are sure to delight. Today we are excited to share our thoughts on Harry Kappen’s single, “WarGames”!

“WarGames” has a commanding presence and is one of those songs that will stick out in your memory for a long time after listening. Instrumentally, the song is driven by the both guitar and the rhythm section, with both elements being extremely powerful. I found myself most impressed by this song’s lyrics; there is excellent wordplay and the overall message is a powerful one. Add in the fact that this song is an absolute earworm and the finished product is quite incredible.

Honestly, “WarGames” is an amazing song for this day and age in music. Its message is powerful and relevant and its energy matches in a big way. You can keep up with Harry Kappen through Twitter and we have “WarGames” embedded below via Spotify - check it out!


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