Cory M. Coons - Trail of the Chosen One

Cory M. Coons is an independent performer, musician and songwriter from Eastern Ontario, Canada. With over thirty years of experience, Coons brings a wealth of knowledge and skill to his music. We have previously written about Coons’ cover of “I Saw Mommy Kissin’ Santa Claus” and today we are excited to share our thoughts on Cory M. Coons’ single, “Trail of the Chosen One”!

A genuine piece of Americana “Trail of the Chosen One” is a spirited single that stands out as a brilliant mixture of oldschool Rock and Country, with a hint of modern melodic structure, making this one electrifying song. I thoroughly enjoy the guitar hook featured within this song - it was stuck in my head for hours after the first time I listened - and the catchiness of this little riff is only matched by the overarching vocal melody which is also quite impressive.

I think that Cory M. Coons has a strong understanding of what makes great music great and he is able to capture that spark in the music he creates. Truly, “Trail of the Chosen One” is excellent and it made me take a stab at some of Coons’ other songs - and I think it will do the same for you! “Trail of the Chosen One” is We have “Trail of the Chosen One” embedded below via Spotify - take a listen!


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