Gabriel Tabari - Chicken Calling Dance

Gabriel Tabari is a music producer who also has a love of theatrics; in addition to his music work, he also makes movies. Tabari’s film influences definitely show in his music, as he reveals that he “usually visualize[s] [his] songs into movies” which gives them a “theatrical and eccentric” sound. The unique energy and theatrics provided by Tabari’s music definitely show strong in his latest release, “Chicken Calling Dance”.

“Chicken Calling Dance” starts similarly to how many electronic-based songs do, with a few notes that build into a larger melody with added instruments, synths and percussion joining in to give the track a lot of texture; this sense of normalcy is turned on its head later in the track. The catchy main synth melody has a bit of a Japanese feel to it, reminding me of the soundtracks to some of my favorite anime series and Japanese video games; the melody has a slightly nostalgic feel to it. Around the 1:17 mark in the track, a flute changes things up a bit, only to be followed by a violin sound that truly sounds like a chicken! A real chicken! When I first heard this part of the song, I was caught completely off guard and could initially only laugh at what I was hearing; the levity provided by the violin sound is incredibly refreshing and really brightened my day the first time I heard it. I found Tabari’s ability to twist the violin sound to actually mirror that of what a real chicken sounds like to be nothing short of epic and it brings the whole track together as a one of a kind experience.

“Chicken Calling Dance” was made with only with a midi keyboard on Tabari’s computer, a fact that teaches us a lot about Tabari’s vision as a songwriter and his ability to develop an idea into a varied and professionally polished product. Not only do I believe that “Chicken Calling Dance” is possibly the most fun and unique experience I have had the pleasure of listening to in my time writing for Which Coast, I also believe that the track truly highlights what Gabriel Tabari said about his music: it is beyond a doubt “theatrical and eccentric” and his artistic choices make “Chicken Calling Dance” a song that I find immensely endearing and enjoyable. Check out “Chicken Calling Dance” embedded below!

Song made in 2019 by Gabriel Tabariai


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