Rebecca DGD (DawgGoneDavis) - Hot Dawgest Night

Rebecca DGD (DawgGoneDavis) is a music artist from Kansas City, Missouri. Bringing a lifetime of experience to the Rap game, DawgGoneDavis entertains fans of all ages with her unique rhymes and distinctive stylistic choices. Today we are excited to share our thoughts on Rebecca DGD’s 2019 album, Hot Dawgest Night!

Hot Dawgest Night opens with “I Will Still Love You” and you will immediately notice Rebecca DGD’s one of a kind style and passionate approach to her music. This track in particular is quite reflective and serves as a great tribute to the music artists of her youth like Smokey Robinson and Bobby Darin. Following is “Let It Be Us” which showcases some creative rhymes and an attention-grabbing instrumental. Rebecca DGD’s flow in this track is a bit choppy but this actually ends up making her lines more effective - I found myself quite entranced. “Unemployment Blues” is up next which features DawgGoneDavis rapping over a great twelve-bar backing instrumental while discussing the unfun natures of unemployment.

The fourth track from Hot Dawgest Night is “I’m Here For Thee”. I really like the honest approach in this song and it is one of the more fun tracks from the album and shows off Rebecca DGD’s creative lyricism in a great light. “Groovin’ at the Louvre” is next and I love how playful this song turned out to be. Its lyrics are about partying in Paris - waking up in the Louvre - and it stands as one of my favorite tracks from the whole album. “Anthem Pandemonium” is seventh and this three minute and forty second track packs some very unique vibes into its runtime. This is what I would call a signature song for Rebecca DGD - it is filled to the brim with her trademark artistic style, humor and wit, wrapped up in one truly delightful package.

The seventh song from Hot Dawgest Night is “Forever Music”. The delivery utilized during the “twist and shout” portion of this song makes it an immediately noticeable and extremely memorable hook that will make you want to come back and listen many times. “Butt on Fiya” is the penultimate track from the album and it is a whole lot of fun. Rebecca DGD mocks the breast cancer she survived all the while declaring that her posterior is “on fire”; this one will bring a smile to your face both because it is humorous but also because of Rebecca DGD’s triumphant survival tale. Closing out the album is “Middle Age Woman - Hip Hop Style” which hit #1 on the EuroIndieMusic chart - and for good reason. This song is a perfect finisher as it features all of the hallmarks that make DawgDoneDavis’ music stand out. The lyrics are genuine, the hook is great, her flow fits like the last puzzle piece and overall, this one is just a joy to listen to.

After listening to Hot Dawgest Night, I can tell you that Rebecca DawgGoneDavis is one special artist who puts her heart into the honest, charming, witty and often humorous lyrics she creates. Her music is reflective and easy to digest - and all around just a true delight to listen to. You can keep up with DawgGoneDavis through Facebook and Bandcamp and we have Hot Dawgest Night embedded below via Spotify!


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