Nadia Vaeh - Never Leave the Basement

Nadia Vaeh is a pop music artist from Atlanta, Georgia. An artist with a natural affinity for the pop music she makes, Vaeh incorporates her real life experiences into the lyrics that she writes. We have previously covered this talented artist and her aptly named track, “Spellbinding”. Today we take a dive into another great single from Nadia Vaeh, “Never Leave the Basement”.

“Never Leave the Basement” is a ridiculously catchy pop song. Lyrically, this song is inspired by the COVID-19 pandemic and being stuck in the quarantine lifestyle - in the basement no less - and way it feels like living each day on repeat. Melodically, this track is yet another gem from Vaeh, providing a listening experience that will be stuck in your head for a long time while also driving the song’s meaning home in an addicting way. The track manages to incapsulate all elements of pandemic living in a tongue-in-cheek style where everything seems fine but really is not.

“Never Leave the Basement” is probably my favorite pop song of the year so far; its addicting melody and relatable lyrics compliment Nadia Vaeh’s singing talent extremely well. Something amazing about Vaeh and this track is that she is donating the proceeds from this track to AKFSA – Andrew Kukes Foundation for Social Anxiety, an organization dedicated to educating social anxiety sufferers, mental health professionals, family, and the general public about the diagnosis and treatment of social anxiety disorder. You can keep up with Nadia Vaeh through Instagram, Facebook and her website. We have “Never Leave the Basement” embedded below!


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