Luchi - Fix This Love w/Interview

Luchi is a music artist who grew up in Glasgow with his Italian family and a frequent guest here at WhichCoast. We have written about Luchi three times previously, most recently about the song “Mountain” and today we are excited to share our thoughts on Luchi’s latest single, “Fix This Love”, along with another interview with this talented artist!

From the outset, it is easy to tell that “Fix This Love” comes from a genuine place. You can quite literally feel the emotional weight that Luchi is bringing with his words and his vocal performance is brilliantly stirring, perfectly creating a deep and emotive soundscape. I also found myself really enjoying the stripped-down approach to the instrumental that Luchi took with this one; it really puts the spotlight where it needs to be - on his vocals and lyrics - and overall this song is one to admire.

Now let’s jump into the interview!

Hey there, welcome back for round four!

Hello, thanks for having me back again, this feels like the most stable relationship I’ve ever had haha. Round 4, let’s be having it.

As always, can you give a refresher about yourself and your music to anyone who might've missed our last article or anyone reading about you for the first time?

Of course, so I’m Luchi, a singer songwriter originally from Glasgow, Scotland. I’ve been releasing music independently since 2017 and building my way up the industry since then. I’m in my dirty 30s now and I’m a fiery Sagittarius with music running through my DNA. I’m an LGBTQI+ artist and I’m quite outspoken on it, I live my life and my art authentically as who I am. I’m also a very loud advocate for mental health awareness as I am someone who suffers from mental illness so do my best to show that their is life after rock bottom and that you don’t need to let this stop you from achieving and thriving through life. I’d say my music is soulful pop, if you like honest, vulnerable and strong pop, I’m your man. That should be my tinder profile bio haha.

What is one thing about your music career that you either haven't shared or that people don't know yet?

That’s a really hard question because I am an open book. I’d probably say that on a more personal note with my career, getting vulnerable since we are now 4 dates in haha, I’d say that people don’t know how I’m really insecure about my abilities as a writer and singer. I had a tough start in life and the confidence I once had got knocked out of me. When I was younger, give me a mic and I was on stage shaking my toosh, having a blast but that was destroyed by an abusive person in my past. It’s taken me a lot of time to build that confidence back up and heal but with all the support I have received, it’s helped me build it back up. I still have times where those voices creep back in but I have got better at challenging them. That’s probably why I am a bit of a perfectionist when it comes to my music. I drive my producer and mixer mad sometimes because I’m very picky about how I want to sound but I am getting better at letting the art speak for itself and appreciating my voice in all its forms. They say it’s the flaws that make a diamond so I’m a work in progress.

Looking back, I'm a bit surprised we haven't asked you this one yet. Where do you hope your music career takes you and what are some shorter-term milestones you hope to hit?

My main goal is to build a career that means I can do this for the rest of my life, for me I’m doing this because I love music and have a real passion for it, as I said earlier it’s in my DNA, cut me open and I’m sure musical notes would come out. It’s not about chasing accolades or numbers for me, it’s always been and always will be about creating the best songs I can and that’s why I have taken my career the way I have. I have been offered reality tv talent shows before but I prefer to do it the old fashioned way so far, I’m saying so far because if you see me pop up on one of these shows one day because I’m a never say never kinda guy, I don’t want this to come back and bite me haha. My shorter term milestones are to continued to build my fan base, I want my fans to come on board and know when I put a song out, they know it’s going to be real, authentic and a solid. They can trust that I’m always going to put out something I believe in and hopefully they do too. The rest I’ll keep a surprise and I’ll let you know next time if I achieved them haha.

We checked out "Fix This Love" and, naturally, enjoyed it a great deal. What can you tell us about your latest single?

Thank you, it’s a really hard song to put out there because it’s so real and painful for me to sing. When I hear it back or sing it, I am transported back to the time of writing it and I was a mess. I wasn’t eating, sleeping, my life was turned upside down. The song is the sister song to my last single Mountain which was about someone close to me who has addiction struggles and while that song was about their side of the story, Fix This Love shows my side of the story and how addiction doesn’t just destroy the addicts life, it destroys the lives of people around them too. It is like emotional torture watching someone you care about destroy their lives and every effort you make to help them doesn’t work. I really feel for anyone going through it as its such a painful experience for both parties involved, the addicts and their loved ones so that is why I wanted to release them back to back so that people can see both sides of the illness. I really hope these two songs shine a light on an often misunderstood illness and we learn to have more understanding through it.

You always do a great job of teasing what's next for you, so - what's next?

Well this is the last single of 2023 from me so I’m going to take a bit of time off for my birthday and Christmas, my birthday is the 21st December so I’m heading back to Glasgow to spend some time with my family and friends and then in 2024, I’ll be back with a bang. The songs I have lined up are so exciting and different for me so all I’ll say is hold on tight cause it’s gonna be a fun ride. I’m coming to take my gay pop crown haha.

Thank you!

Pleasure was all mine, speak soon

I have probably said this a lot in the past but I enjoy the sincerity that Luchi shares in his music (and in his interviews with us) and I think the realness of his lyrics counterbalances the smoothness of his Pop sound in a way that is striking and memorable. You can keep up with Luchi through Instagram and TikTok. We have “Fix This Love” embedded below via Spotify and you can find it on your favorite platform here - if you have not checked out anything from Luchi before, jump on board!


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