Lady Redneck - You First Loved Me

Lady Redneck, whose real name is Stephanie Lee, is is a country music artist originally from Idaho and based in Dallas, Texas. We have previously listened to several songs from this artist, including “I Dented Your Truck”, “After The Rain, You'll Find The Son”, “Pray for Peace” and “Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing” and today we’re back to check out “You First Loved Me”!

“You First Loved Me” is a beautiful ballad that showcases the big talent of Lady Redneck. Indeed, this song provides a great introduction to Lady Redneck’s vocal chops and just how her talent brings her lyrics to life. Much of Lady Redneck’s music is at the crossway between Christian Rock and Country and this song is no exception, providing a powerful message and balanced listening experience that give us a glimpse at her religious passion undeniable lyric writing skills.

I think that Lady Redneck has really hit a groove with the music she has been releasing over the last year or so and “You First Loved Me” continues that awesome streak. Make sure you are keeping up with Lady Redneck through Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and her website. We have “You First Loved Me” embedded below!


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